
Advanced, intelligent & automatic object-oriented JSON containers for PHP.

Implements a highly efficient, automatic, object-oriented and lightweight (memory-wise) JSON data container. It provides intelligent data conversion and parsing, to give you a nice, reliable interface to your JSON data, without having to worry about doing any of the tedious parsing yourself.


  • Provides a completely object-oriented interface to all of your JSON data.

  • Automatically maps complex, nested JSON data structures onto real PHP objects, with total support for nested objects and multi-level arrays.

  • Extremely optimized for very high performance and very low memory usage. Much lower than other PHP JSON mappers that people have used in the past.

    For example, normal PHP objects with manually defined $properties, which is what's used by other JSON mappers, will consume memory for every property even if that property wasn't in the JSON data (is a NULL). Our system on the other hand takes up ZERO bytes of RAM for any properties that don't exist in the current object's JSON data!

  • Automatically provides "direct virtual properties", which lets you interact with the JSON data as if it were regular object properties, such as echo $item->some_value and $item->some_value = 'foo'.

    The virtual properties can be disabled via an option.

  • Automatically provides object-oriented "virtual functions", which let you interact with the data in a fully object-oriented way via functions such as $item->getSomeValue() and $item->setSomeValue('foo'). We support a large range of different functions for manipulating the JSON data, and you can see a list of all available function names for all of your properties by simply running $item->printPropertyDescriptions().

    The virtual functions can be disabled via an option.

  • Includes the LazyDoctor tool, which automatically documents all of your LazyJsonMapper-based classes so that their virtual properties and functions become fully visible to your IDE and to various intelligent code analysis tools. It also performs class diagnostics by compiling all of your class property maps, which means that you can be 100% sure that all of your maps are valid (compilable) if this tool runs successfully.

  • We provide a complete, internal API which your subclasses can use to interact with the data inside of the JSON container. This allows you to easily override the automatic functions or create additional functions for your objects. To override core functions, just define a function with the exact same name on your object and make it do whatever you want to.

    Here are some examples of function overriding:

     public function getFoo()
         // try to read property, and handle a special "current_time" value.
         $value = $this->_getProperty('foo');
         if ($value === 'current_time') { return time(); }
         return $value;
     public function setFoo(
         // if they try to set value to "md5", use a special value instead.
         if ($value === 'md5') { $value = md5(time()); }
         return $this->_setProperty('foo', $value);
  • All mapping/data conversion is done "lazily", on a per-property basis. When you access a property, that specific property is mapped/converted to the proper type as defined by your class property map. No time or memory is wasted converting properties that you never touch.

  • Strong type-system. The class property map controls the exact types and array depths. You can fully trust that the data you get/set will match your specifications. Invalid data that mismatches the spec is impossible.

  • Advanced settings system. Everything is easily configured via PHP class constants, which means that your class-settings are stateless (there's no need for any special "settings/mapper object" to keep track of settings), and that all settings are immutable constants (which means that they are reliable and can never mutate at runtime, so that you can fully trust that classes will always behave as-defined in their code).

    If you want to override multiple core settings identically for all of your classes, then simply create a subclass of LazyJsonMapper and configure all of your settings on that, and then derive all of your other classes from your re-configured subclass!

  • The world's most advanced mapper definition system. Your class property maps are defined in an easy PHPdoc-style format, and support multilevel arrays (such as int[][] for "an array of arrays of ints"), relative types (so you can map properties to classes/objects that are relative to the namespace of the class property map), parent inheritance (all of your parent extends-hierarchy's maps will be included in your final property map) and even multiple inheritance (you can literally "import" an infinite number of other maps into your class, which don't come from your own parent extends-hierarchy).

  • Inheriting properties from parent classes or importing properties from other classes is a zero-cost operation thanks to how efficient our property map compiler is. So feel free to import everything you need. You can even use this system to create importable classes that just hold "collections" of shared properties, which you import into other classes.

  • The class property maps are compiled a single time per-class at runtime, the first time a class is used. The compilation process fully verifies and compiles all property definitions, all parent maps, all inherited maps, and all maps of all classes you link properties to.

    If there are any compilation problems due to a badly written map anywhere in your hierarchy, you will be shown the exact problem in great detail.

    In case of success, the compiled and verified maps are all stored in an incredibly memory-efficient format in a global cache which is shared by your whole PHP runtime, which means that anything in your code or in any other libraries which accesses the same classes will all share the cached compilations of those classes, for maximum memory efficiency.

  • You are also able to access JSON properties that haven't been defined in the class property map. In that case, they are treated as undefined and untyped (mixed) and there won't be any automatic type-conversion of such properties, but it can still be handy in a pinch.

  • There are lots of data export/output options for your object's JSON data, to get it back out of the object again: As a multi-level array, as nested stdClass objects, or as a JSON string representation of your object.

  • We include a whole assortment of incredibly advanced debugging features:

    You can run the constructor with $requireAnalysis to ensure that all of your JSON data is successfully mapped according to your class property map, and that you haven't missed defining any properties that exist in the data. In case of any problems, the analysis message will give you a full list of all problems encountered in your entire JSON data hierarchy.

    For your class property maps themselves, you can run functions such as printPropertyDescriptions() to see a complete list of all properties and how they are defined. This helps debug your class inheritance and imports to visually see what your final class map looks like, and it also helps users see all available properties and all of their virtual functions.

    And for the JSON data, you can use functions such as printJson() to get a beautiful view of all internal JSON data, which is incredibly helpful when you (or your users) need to figure out what's available inside the current object instance's data storage.

  • A fine-grained and logical exception-system which ensures that you can always trust the behavior of your objects and can catch problems easily. And everything we throw is always based on LazyJsonMapperException, which means that you can simply catch that single "root" exception whenever you don't care about fine-grained differentiation.

  • Clean and modular code ensures stability and future extensibility.

  • Deep code documentation explains everything you could ever wonder about.

  • Lastly, we implement super-efficient object serialization. Everything is stored in a tightly packed format which minimizes data size when you need to transfer your objects between runtimes.


No public properties found
No protected properties found
No private methods found




Whether "direct virtual properties" access is enabled.

This constant can be overridden in your subclasses to toggle the option.

It is recommended that all of your brand new projects create a subclass of LazyJsonMapper which disables this option, and then you simply derive all of your other classes from that subclass so that nothing in your project has direct virtual property access enabled.

That's because there are many quirks with how PHP implements virtual properties, which can lead to performance slowdowns and lack of data validation if you use direct access in CERTAIN scenarios (without writing proper code). And if users are going to be interacting with YOUR library, then you SHOULD disable virtual properties so that your users don't fail to implement their proper usage. PHP's virtual property quirks are all described in the documentation for __get(). Please read it and decide whether you want to allow "direct virtual properties".

The only reason why this feature is enabled by default is that it helps people easily migrate from legacy projects.



Whether "virtual functions" access is enabled.

This constant can be overridden in your subclasses to toggle the option.

It's the recommended access method. It always ensures complete data validation and the highest performance. However, some people may want to disable it in favor of manually defining your object's functions instead. (This library provides a complete internal API for manipulating the object's JSON data from your own custom class-functions.)



Whether we should cache all magic virtual function translations.

This constant can be overridden in your subclasses to toggle caching.

The cache stores all of the current runtime's encountered magic/virtual function name translations, such as SomeProperty (via getSomeProperty and setSomeProperty, etc) and the fact that it refers to a JSON property that will be named either some_property (if snake style) or someProperty (if camel style).

Entries are added to the cache one-by-one every time you call a function on an uncached property name for the first time. The next time you call a function which accesses the same property name, then there's no need to analyze the function name again (to figure out what JSON data property it refers to), since the translation is already cached. It is cached on a per-property name basis. So a SINGLE cached translation of SomeProperty will be shared by ALL function calls related to that property (such as all of the core functions; hasSomeProperty, isSomeProperty, getSomeProperty, setSomeProperty, and unsetSomeProperty).

At the cost of a very tiny bit of RAM, this caching greatly speeds up magic function calls so that they only take about 16% as long as they would without the cache. However, they're still very fast even without a cache, and you may be accessing so many different properties that you'd prefer to avoid a cache for memory reasons (if you prefer lower memory needs over pure speed). The choice is yours.

To calculate the memory needs of your own project's virtual function cache, you simply need to know that an average cache entry uses ~248.6 bytes of RAM on PHP 7 and ~510.4 bytes on PHP 5. Note that the size per name translation is small enough to be measured in BYTES (NOT kilobytes)!

Those averages were calculated from a huge sample-size of 10000 function names, and are very accurate for real-world JSON data.

To calculate your own cache memory size, think about how many different JSON properties you'll need to access in your project. Most normal projects would probably only access at most 100 different property names (such as getComments, setTime, etc), since you most likely won't access every property in the JSON data. So only count the properties you'll access. And also remember that identical property names used across different classes, and all the different functions for accessing the same property, will still only require a SINGLE global cache entry per property name.

The storage needs for 100 different property name translations would be as follows. As you can see, the cache is very memory-efficient:

  • PHP 7: 100x ~248.6 bytes = 24 860 bytes (~24.9 kilobytes).
  • PHP 5: 100x ~510.4 bytes = 51 040 bytes (~51.1 kilobytes).

(If you're still using PHP 5, you should really consider upgrading to PHP 7 with its better memory efficiency and its much faster engine!)

It is highly recommended to use caching, and it is enabled by default unless you override the constant in your class, as follows:

  class MyUncachedLazyJsonMapper extends LazyJsonMapper
      const USE_MAGIC_LOOKUP_CACHE = false;

With the above code, MyUncachedLazyJsonMapper (and anything extending from it) would run without using the magic function translation cache, which means that all magic "virtual function" calls on instances of that class would have to redo their property translations every time.



Tells us how to map JSON properties to internal PHP types or objects.

This constant can be overridden in your subclasses, to add custom JSON mapping definitions to your class. It is recommended to always do so.

The value must be an array of key-value pairs, where the key is the name of a JSON property and the value is a string with the definition for that specific property in PHPdoc-style. We will then perform automatic, strict lazy-conversion of the value to the target type whenever you access that property. (However, be aware that we always allow NULL values in any property, and will never enforce/convert those to the target type.)

The following built-in types are supported: bool, int, float, string. The JSON data will be type-converted to match that type.

Note that if the type is set to mixed or an empty string "" instead, then the property will allow any of the built-in types (bool, int, float, string, NULL (as always) and multi-level arrays of any of those types). There simply won't be any "forced" type-conversion to any specific basic type for that property since you haven't defined any strict type.

Setting up untyped properties is still useful even if you don't know its type, since defining the property in the class map ensures that you can always get/set/access/use that property even if it's unavailable in the current object instance's internal JSON data.

You can also map values to objects. In the case of objects (classes), the classes MUST inherit from LazyJsonMapper so they support all necessary mapping features. To assign a class to a property, you can either write a FULL (global) class path starting with a leading backslash \, such as \Foo\Bar\Baz. Alternatively, you can use a RELATIVE path related to the namespace of the CURRENT MAP'S class, such as Bar\Baz (if your current class is \Foo\Whatever, then it'd be interpreted as \Foo\Bar\Baz). Anything that DOESN'T start with a leading backslash is interpreted as a relative class path! Just be aware that your class use-statements are completely ignored since PHP has no mechanism to let us detect those.

It's also possible to map properties to the core LazyJsonMapper object if you simply want an object-oriented container for its data without writing a custom class. You can do that by defining the property type as either \LazyJsonMapper\LazyJsonMapper, or as LazyJsonMapper (which is a special shortcut that ALWAYS resolves to the core class). But it's always best to write a proper class, so that its properties are reliable.

Lastly, you can map "arrays of TYPE" as well. Simply add one or more [] brackets to the end of the type. For example, int[] means "array of ints", and \Foo[][][] means "array of arrays of arrays of \Foo objects". It may be easier to understand those mentally if you read them backwards and say the words "array of" every time you see a [] bracket. (Note: You can also use the array notation with mixed[][], which would then strictly define that the value MUST be mixed data at an exact depth of 2 arrays, and that no further arrays are allowed deeper than that.)

The assigned types and array-depths are STRICTLY validated. That's an integral part of the LazyJsonMapper container, since it guarantees your class property map interface will be strictly followed, and that you can fully TRUST the data you're interacting with. If your map says that the array data is at depth 8 and consists of YourObject objects, then we'll make sure the data is indeed at depth 8 and their value type is correct!

That goes for arrays too. If you define an int[] array of ints, then we'll ensure that the array has sequential numeric keys starting at 0 and going up without any gaps, exactly as a JSON array is supposed to be. And if you define an object YourObject, then we'll ensure that the input JSON data consists of an array with associative keys there (which is used as the object properties), exactly as a JSON object is supposed to be.

In other words, you can TOTALLY trust your data if you've assigned types!

Example property map:

    'some_string'              => 'string',
    'an_object'                => '\YourProject\YourObject',
    'array_of_numbers'         => 'int[]',
    'array_of_objects'         => 'RelativeObject[]',
    'untyped_value'            => '', // shorthand for 'mixed' below:
    'another_untyped_value'    => 'mixed', // allows multilevel arrays
    'deep_arr_of_arrs_of_int'  => 'int[][]',
    'array_of_mixed'           => 'mixed[]', // enforces 1-level depth
    'array_of_generic_objects' => 'LazyJsonMapper[]',

Also note that we automatically inherit all of the class maps from all parents higher up in your object-inheritance chain. In case of a property name clash, the deepest child class definition of it takes precedence.

It is also worth knowing that we support a special "multiple inheritance" instruction which allows you to "import the map" from one or more other classes. The imported maps will be merged onto your current class, as if the entire hierarchy of properties from the target class (including the target class' inherited parents and own imports) had been "pasted inside" your class' property map at that point. And you don't have to worry about carefully writing your inheritance relationships, because we have full protection against circular references (when two objects try to import each other) and will safely detect that issue at runtime whenever we try to compile the maps of either of those bad classes with their badly written imports.

The instruction for importing other maps is very simple: You just have to add an unkeyed array element with a reference to the other class. The other class must simply refer to the relative or full path of the class, followed by ::class.

Example of importing one or more maps from other classes:

    'my_own_prop'                     => 'string',
    OtherClass::class,                // relative class path
    'redefined_prop'                  => float,
    \OtherNamespace\SomeClass::class, // full class path

The imports are resolved in the exact order they're listed in the array. Any property name clashes will always choose the version from the latest statement in the list. So in this example, our class would first inherit all of its own parent (extends) class maps. Then it would add/overwrite my_own_prop. Then it imports everything from OtherClass (and its parents/imports). Then it adds/overwrites redefined_prop (useful if you want to re-define some property that was inherited from the other class). And lastly, it imports everything from \OtherNamespace\SomeClass (and its parents/imports). As long as there are no circular references, everything will compile successfully and you will end up with a very advanced final map! And any other class which later inherits from (extends) or imports YOUR class will inherit the same advanced map from you! This is REAL "multiple inheritance"! ;-)

Also note that "relative class path" properties are properly inherited as pointing to whatever was relative to the original inherited/imported class where the property was defined. You don't have to worry about that.

The only thing you should keep in mind is that we ONLY import the maps. We do NOT import any functions from the imported classes (such as its overridden functions), since there's no way for us to affect how PHP resolves function calls to "copy" functions from one class to another. If you need their functions, then you should simply extends from the class to get true PHP inheritance instead of only importing its map. Or you could just simply put your functions in PHP Traits and Interfaces so that they can be re-used by various classes without needing inheritance!

Lastly, here's an important general note about imports and inheritance: You DON'T have to worry about "increased memory usage" when importing or inheriting tons of other classes. The runtime "map compiler" is extremely efficient and re-uses the already-compiled properties inherited from its parents/imports, meaning that property inheritance is a ZERO-COST memory operation! In fact, re-definitions are also zero-cost as long as your class re-defines a property to the exact same type that it had already inherited/imported. Such as Base: foo:string, Child: foo:string. In that case, we detect that the definitions are identical and just re-use the compiled property from Base instead. It's only when a class adds NEW/MODIFIED properties that memory usage increases a little bit! In other words, inheritance/imports are a very good thing, and are always a better idea than manually writing similar lists of properties in various unrelated (not extending each other) classes. In fact, if you have a situation where many classes need similar properties, then it's a GREAT idea to create special re-usable "property collection" classes and then simply importing THOSE into ALL of the different classes that need those sets of properties! You can even use that technique to get around PHP's use-statement limitations (simply place a "property collection" class container in the namespace that had all of your use-classes, and define its properties via easy, relative paths there, and then simply make your other classes import THAT container to get all of its properties).

As you can see, the mapping and inheritance system is extremely powerful!

Note that the property maps are analyzed and compiled at runtime, the first time we encounter each class. After compilation, the compiled maps become immutable (cannot be modified). So there's no point trying to modify this variable at runtime. That's also partially the reason why this is defined through a constant, since they prevent you from modifying the array at runtime and you believing that it would update your map. The compiled maps are immutable at runtime for performance & safety reasons!

Have fun!



$_magicLookupCache : array

Magic virtual function lookup cache.

Globally shared across all instances of LazyJsonMapper classes. That saves tons of memory, since multiple different components/libraries in your project can use any functions they need, such as getComments(), and then all OTHER code that uses a comments property would share that cached translation too, which ensures maximum memory efficiency!

It is private to prevent subclasses from modifying it.




$_propertyMapCache : \LazyJsonMapper\Property\PropertyMapCache

Storage container for compiled class property maps.

Class maps are built at runtime the FIRST time we encounter each class. This cache is necessary so that we instantly have fully-validated maps without needing to constantly re-build/validate the class property maps.

Compilation only happens the first time that we encounter the class during the current runtime (unless you manually decide to clear the cache at any point). And the compiled map format is extremely optimized and very memory-efficient (for example, subclasses and inherited classes all share the same compiled PropertyDefinition objects, and those objects themselves are extremely optimized). So you don't have to worry about memory usage at all.

You should think about this exactly like PHP's own class loader/compiler. Whenever you request a class for the first time, PHP reads its .php file and parses and compiles its code and then keeps that class in memory for instant re-use. That's exactly like what this "property map cache" does. It compiles the maps the first time the class is used, and then it just stays in memory for instant re-use. So again, don't worry about it! :-)

Globally shared across all instances of LazyJsonMapper classes. Which ensures that classes are truly only compiled ONCE during PHP's runtime, even when multiple parts of your project or other libraries use the same classes. And it also means that there's no need for you to manually maintain any kind of personal "cache-storage class instance". The global storage takes care of that for you effortlessly!

It is private to prevent subclasses from modifying it.




$_compiledPropertyMapLink : array

Direct reference to the current object's property definition cache.

This is a reference. It isn't a copy. So the memory usage of each class instance stays identical since the same cache is shared among them all. Therefore, you don't have to worry about seeing this in var_dump().

It is private to prevent subclasses from modifying it.




$_objectData : array

Container for this specific object instance's JSON data.

Due to the lazy-conversion of objects, some parts of the tree can be objects and others can be JSON sub-arrays that have not yet been turned into objects. That system ensures maximum memory and CPU efficiency.

This container is private to prevent subclasses from modifying it. Use the protected functions to indirectly check/access/modify values instead.





__construct(array  $objectData = array(), boolean  $requireAnalysis = false) 


You CANNOT override this constructor. That's because the constructor and its arguments and exact algorithm are too important to allow subclasses to risk breaking it (especially since you must then perfectly maintain an identical constructor argument list and types of thrown exceptions, and would always have to remember to call our constructor first, and so on).

Furthermore, trying to have custom constructors on "JSON data container objects" MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL, since your JSON data objects can be created recursively and automatically from nested JSON object data. So there's no way you could run your object's custom constructors then!

Instead, there is a separate _init() function which you can override in your subclasses, for safe custom initialization. And if you NEED to use some external variables in certain functions in your JSON data classes, then simply add those variables as arguments to those class-functions!

Also note that there are many reasons why the JSON data must be provided as an array instead of as an object. Most importantly, the memory usage is much lower if you decode to an array (because a \stdClass requires as much RAM as an array WITH object overhead ON TOP of that), and also because the processing we do is more efficient when we have an array.

Lastly, this seems like a prominent enough place to mention something that's VERY important if you are handling JSON data on 32-bit systems: PHP running as a 32-bit process does NOT support 64-bit JSON integers natively. It will cast them to floats instead, which may lose precision, and fails completely if you then cast those numbers to strings, since you will get float notation or INT_MAX capping depending on what you are doing with the data (ie printf('%d') would give INT_MAX, and %s would give scientific notation like 8.472E+22). All of those situations can be avoided by simply telling PHP to decode big numbers to strings:

  json_decode($json, true, 512, JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING);

If you are ever going to handle 64-bit integers on 32-bit systems, then you will NEED to do the above, as well as ensuring that all of your class JSON_PROPERTY_MAP definitions never use any int field type (since that would convert the safe strings back into truncated 32-bit integers). Instead, you should define those fields as string-type in your map.


array $objectData

Decoded JSON data as an array (NOT object).

boolean $requireAnalysis

Whether to throw an exception if any of the raw JSON properties aren't defined in the class property map (are missing), or if any of the encountered property-classes are bad (fail to construct with the JSON data; usually only possible due to a custom _init() or when its raw JSON data value wasn't actually an object at all), or any problems with array-depth or type coercion. This option is very useful for debugging when creating/updating your custom classes. But BEWARE that it causes the WHOLE $objectData tree to be recursively parsed and analyzed, which is really TERRIBLE for performance. So DON'T use this permanently!



If the class hierarchy contains any invalid JSON property map/definition which prevents successful class map compilation, or if JSON data analysis requested and any of the map's property definitions are bad/missing. Also if a custom class _init() threw any kind of exception.


assignObjectData(array  $objectData = array(), boolean  $requireAnalysis = false) 

Assign a new internal JSON data array for this object.

This is used by the constructor for assigning the initial internal data state, but can also be very useful for users who want to manually replace the contents of their object at a later time.

For example, it might suit your project design better to first construct an empty object, and then pass it to some other function which actually fills it with the JSON data. This function allows you to achieve that.

The entire internal data storage will be replaced with the new data.


array $objectData

Decoded JSON data as an array (NOT object).

boolean $requireAnalysis

Whether to analyze the JSON data and throw if there are problems with mapping. See __construct() for more details.



If JSON data analysis requested and any of the map's property definitions are bad/missing. Also if a custom class _init() threw any kind of exception.


exportPropertyDescriptions(boolean  $allowRelativeTypes = false, boolean  $includeUndefined = false) : array<mixed,\LazyJsonMapper\Export\PropertyDescription>

Export human-readable descriptions of class/object instance properties.

The defined (class property map) properties are always included. You can optionally choose to also include undefined properties that only exist in the current object instance's JSON data, but which aren't in the class. Such properties are dangerous, since they only exist in the current data.

Furthermore, you can choose whether any class-types for properties should use absolute/global paths (ie \Foo\Bar\Baz), or whether they should use paths relative to the class they are owned by (ie Baz) when possible. And that's ONLY possible whenever the target type lives within the same namespace as the class. Any properties from other namespaces will still use absolute paths.

Note that if relative types are used, they are ALWAYS relative to the class that the current object IS AN INSTANCE OF. This is true even when those properties were inherited/imported from another class!

Relative mode is mostly meant for class-documentation, to be placed inside each of your class files. That way, the relative paths will be perfectly understood by your IDE. The absolute, non-relative format is preferable in other, more general "runtime usage" since it is totally clear about exactly which final object each class path refers to.


boolean $allowRelativeTypes

If TRUE, object types will use relative paths (compared to this class) whenever possible.

boolean $includeUndefined

Whether to also include properties that only exist in the current object instance's JSON data, but aren't defined in the actual class property map.



If any properties cannot be described. But that should never be able to happen.


array<mixed,\LazyJsonMapper\Export\PropertyDescription> —

Associative array of property descriptions, sorted by property name in case-insensitive natural order.


printPropertyDescriptions(boolean  $showFunctions = true, boolean  $allowRelativeTypes = false, boolean  $includeUndefined = false) 

Print human-readable descriptions of class/object instance properties.

This helper is provided as a quick and easy debug feature, and helps you look at your compiled class property maps, or to quickly look up how a certain property needs to be accessed in its function-name form.

Please read the description of exportPropertyDescriptions() if you want more information about the various options.


boolean $showFunctions

Whether to show the list of functions for each property. Which is very helpful, but also very long. So you may want to disable this option.

boolean $allowRelativeTypes

If TRUE, object types will use relative paths (compared to this class) whenever possible.

boolean $includeUndefined

Whether to also include properties that only exist in the current object instance's JSON data, but aren't defined in the actual class property map.



If any properties cannot be described. But that should never be able to happen.


exportObjectDataCopy(string  $objectRepresentation = 'array') : \stdClass|array

Get a processed copy of this object instance's internal data contents.

It is recommended that you save the result if you intend to re-use it multiple times, since each call to this function will need to perform copying and data conversion from our internal object representation.

Note that the conversion process will recursively validate and convert all properties in the entire internal data hierarchy. You can trust that the returned result will be perfectly accurate and follow your class map property type-rules. This does however mean that the data may not be the same as the input array you gave to __construct(). For example, if your input contained an array ["1", "2"] and your type definition map says that you want int for that property, then you'd get [1, 2] as output.

The conversion is always done on a temporary COPY of the internal data, which means that you're welcome to run this function as much as you want without causing your object to grow from resolving all its sub-objects.

It also means the returned copy belongs to YOU, and that you're able to do ANYTHING with it, without risk of affecting any of OUR internal data.

WARNING: If you intend to use the result to json_encode() a new JSON object then please DON'T do that. Look at asJson() instead, which gives you full control over all JSON output parameters and properly handles the conversion in all scenarios, without you needing to do any manual work.

Also look at the separate asStdClass() and asArray() functions, for handy shortcuts instead of manually having to call this longer function.


string $objectRepresentation

What container to use to represent LazyJsonMapper objects. Can be either array (useful if you require that the result is compatible with __construct()), or stdClass (the best choice if you want to be able to identify subobjects via is_object()).



If there are any conversion problems.


\stdClass|array —

A processed copy of the internal data, using the desired container type to represent all objects.


asStdClass() : \stdClass

Get a processed copy of this object instance's data wrapped in stdClass.

This function is just a shortcut/alias for exportObjectDataCopy(). Please read its documentation to understand the full implications and explanation for the behavior of this function.

All objects in the returned value will be represented as stdClass objects, which is important if you need to be able to identify nested internal sub-objects via is_object().



If there are any conversion problems.


\stdClass —

A processed copy of the internal data, with all objects represented as stdClass.


asArray() : array

Get a processed copy of this object instance's data as an array.

This function is just a shortcut/alias for exportObjectDataCopy(). Please read its documentation to understand the full implications and explanation for the behavior of this function.

All objects in the returned value will be represented as nested arrays, which is good if you require that the result is compatible with __construct() again.



If there are any conversion problems.


array —

A processed copy of the internal data, with all objects represented as arrays.


asJson(integer  $options, integer  $depth = 512) : string

Get a processed representation of this object instance's data as JSON.

This helper gives you a JSON string representation of the object's internal data, and provides the necessary interface to fully control the JSON encoding process.

It handles all steps for you and wraps everything in nice exceptions, and will even clearly explain any json_encode() errors in plain English (although the default settings will never cause any encoding failures). And most importantly, this function also guarantees that your data is ALWAYS properly encoded as a valid JSON object {} (rather than risking getting the result as a JSON array such as [] or ["a","b","c"]). We accept all of the same parameters as the json_encode() function!

Note that we only encode properties that exist in the actual internal data. Anything that merely exists in the class property map is omitted.

WARNING: It is worth saving the output of this function if you intend to use the result multiple times, since each call to this function will internally use exportObjectDataCopy(), which performs quite intensive work to recursively validate and convert values while creating the final representation of the object's internal JSON data. Please read the description of exportObjectDataCopy() for more information.


integer $options

Bitmask to control json_encode() behavior.

integer $depth

Maximum JSON depth. Encoding fails if set too low. Can almost always safely be left at 512 (default).



If there are any conversion problems.




printJson(boolean  $prettyPrint = true, integer  $depth = 512) 

Print a processed representation of this object instance's data as JSON.

This helper is provided as a quick and easy debug feature, instead of having to manually write something like var_dump($item->asJson()).

And it's also a much better alternative than PHP's common but totally unreadable var_dump($item->asArray()) or var_dump($item) techniques.

You can even take advantage of chained operations, if you are 100% sure that NONE of the properties along the way are NULL. An example of doing that would be $container->getItems()[0]->getUser()->printJson(). However, such code is ONLY recommended for quick debug tests, but not for actual production use, since you should always be handling any NULL properties along the way (unless you enjoy random errors whenever a particular property along the chain happens to be missing from the object's internal JSON data value storage).

Please read the description of asJson() if you want more information about how the internal JSON conversion process works.


boolean $prettyPrint

Use whitespace to nicely format the data. Defaults to TRUE since we assume that you want human readable output while debug-printing.

integer $depth

Maximum JSON depth. Encoding fails if set too low. Can almost always safely be left at 512 (default).



If there are any conversion problems.


jsonSerialize() : \stdClass

Serialize this object to a value that's supported by json_encode().

You are not supposed to call this directly. It is automatically called by PHP whenever you attempt to json_encode() a LazyJsonMapper object or any data structures (such as arrays) which contain such objects. This function is then called and provides a proper "object representation" which can be natively encoded by PHP.

Having this helper ensures that you can easily encode very advanced structures (such as a regular PHP array which contains several nested LazyJsonMapper-based objects), without needing to manually fiddle around with asJson() on every individual object within your array.

You are instead able to simply json_encode($mainObj->getSubArray()), which will properly encode every array-element in that array, regardless of whether they're pure PHP types or nested LazyJsonMapper objects.

Note that we only export properties that exist in the actual internal data. Anything that merely exists in the class property map is omitted.

WARNING: It is worth saving the output of json_encode() if you intend to use the result multiple times, since each call to this function will internally use exportObjectDataCopy(), which performs quite intensive work to recursively validate and convert values while creating the final representation of the object's internal JSON data. Please read the description of exportObjectDataCopy() for more information.

WARNING: In most cases, you should be using asJson() (instead of json_encode()), since it's far more convenient and completely wraps PHP's JSON encoding problems as exceptions. If you truly want to manually json_encode() the data, you'll still get complete data conversion and validation, but you won't get any automatic exceptions if PHP fails to encode the JSON, which means that you'll have to manually check if the final value was successfully encoded by PHP. Just be aware of that!



If there are any conversion problems.


\stdClass —

A processed copy of the internal data, with all objects represented as stdClass. Usable by json_encode().



Handles automatic string conversion when the object is used as a string.

Internally runs asJson().

WARNING: It's dangerous to rely on the automatic string conversion, since PHP doesn't allow this handler to throw any error/exceptions (if we do, PHP would die with a Fatal Error). So we cannot notify about errors.

Therefore, any warnings and exceptions will silently be placed directly in the string output instead, enclosed in <> brackets to guarantee that they won't be interpreted as valid JSON.

Smart programmers will instead call $item->asJson() manually. It is only a few more characters, and it guarantees that you can catch conversion errors and react to them appropriately.

There is only ONE scenario where __toString() is reliable: That's if your JSON data was constructed with the $requireAnalysis constructor argument, which recursively ensures that all data type-conversions and all nested sub-object constructions are successful before your object is allowed to be created. Furthermore, you must not have manipulated anything via "direct property access by reference" AFTER that (as explained in __get()), so that you're sure that all of your internal data is truly valid.

But that is all moot anyway, because always using the debug-only option $requireAnalysis defeats the purpose of memory-efficient lazy-loading and slows down the creation of all of your class instances. Don't do it.

In short: __toString() is here as a nice bonus for completeness sake, but you should never use it in production. Just use asJson() instead!


exportClassAnalysis(boolean  $recursiveScan = true) : \LazyJsonMapper\Export\ClassAnalysis

Analyze the entire object and check for undefined or bad JSON properties.

This lets you analyze the object data & map to look for the following:

  1. Undefined JSON properties that need to be defined in your classes so that their existence becomes permanent and therefore safer to use (since defined properties are always retrievable even if they don't exist in the current object instance's data). And actually defining the properties is also the ONLY way that you can enforce a specific data-type, since undefined properties default to untyped (mixed).

  2. Bad class map definitions that don't match the actual JSON data. It does this by checking all of the encountered classes within the JSON data to ensure that they construct successfully (which they ALWAYS will, unless the user has overridden _init() and throws from it), as well as verifying that all basic PHP type coercions work, and that the data is formatted as-described in the definition (such as having the correct array-depth, or data defined as objects actually being objects).

The scan is performed by looking at EVERY item in the object's internal JSON data array, and checking for a corresponding class map definition (if nothing exists, it's treated as "missing from the class map"), and then attempting conversion to its specified type (if that fails, it's treated as "bad class map definition"). All undefined values (which lack any class map definition) are ALSO validated as if they were mixed, to ensure that NOTHING can contain illegal values.

If a recursive scan is requested, then all sub-objects (LazyJsonMapper data containers) will ALSO recursively perform the same analysis on their own internal data, so that the whole JSON data tree is recursively verified. Their analysis results will be merged with our return value.

Note that calling this function will cause the WHOLE object tree to be constructed and ALL of its mapped properties to be converted/parsed to verify the class map, which takes some time and permanently increases the object's memory usage (since conversion causes any internal sub-objects to be stored as actual objects instead of merely as plain sub-arrays)!

Therefore, you should ONLY use this function when necessary: When you need advanced and powerful debugging of your class maps!


boolean $recursiveScan

Whether to also verify missing/bad properties in sub-objects in the analysis. Recommended.



An object describing the problems with this class.


__call(string  $functionName, array  $arguments) : mixed

__CALL is invoked when attempting to access missing functions.

This magic handler auto-maps "virtual function" has-ers, is-ers, getters, setters and unsetters for all of the object's JSON data properties.

  • bool hasX() checks if "x" exists in the class definition and/or the object instance data. The has-functions are the only ones that never throw even if the property is invalid. This function is totally useless if you've defined the property in the class map, and will always return TRUE in that case. Its ONLY purpose is to allow you to look for UNDEFINED properties that may/may not exist in the current data, before you decide to call any of the other "throwy" functions on that property. In other words, it's used for working with UNMAPPED (undefined) properties!
  • bool isX() checks if "x" exists in the object instance's data and its current value evaluates to TRUE.
  • mixed getX() retrieves the value of "x". Uses copy-on-write (not a reference).
  • $this setX(mixed $value) sets the value of "x" to $value. The setters can be chained.
  • $this unsetX() erases the internal value from the object instance's data. The unsetters can be chained.


string $functionName

Name of the function being called.

array $arguments

Array of arguments passed to the function.



If virtual functions are disabled.


If the function type or property name is invalid, or if there's any problem with the conversion to/from the object instance's internal data. As well as if the setter doesn't get exactly 1 arg.


mixed —

The return value depends on which function is used.


__get(string  $propName) : mixed

__GET is invoked when reading data from inaccessible properties.

This magic handler takes care of "virtual property" access to the object's JSON data properties.

WARNING: Note that the __get() "virtual property" handling creates NULL values in any missing (but valid in class-map) properties that you try to access! That is NECESSARY because PHP EXPECTS the __get() return value to be a REFERENCE to real internal data, so we MUST create a value if no value exists, so that we can link PHP to a true reference to the internal data. Obviously we can't link to something that doesn't exist, which is why we MUST create NULL values. Unfortunately that means that "virtual property access" will lead to increased memory usage and worse JSON output (due to all the added values) if you want to export the internal data as JSON later.

The recommended access method, $obj->getFoo() ("virtual functions") doesn't have that problem. It ONLY happens when you decide to use $obj->foo for "direct virtual property" access.

There are several other quirks with "direct virtual properties", due to how PHP works. If you don't write your code carefully, you may cause serious issues with performance or unexpected results.

All of the important quirks are as follows:

  1. The aforementioned necessary NULL value insertion increases memory usage and may lead to unexpected problems if you convert back to JSON, such as if the server does not expect those values to exist with NULL.

  2. Anytime you use the array [] access operator on the outer property name, PHP will trigger a __get() call, which of course does its whole data-validation again. The following would therefore be EXTREMELY SLOW, and possibly even DANGEROUS (since you're manipulating the array while looping over its keys while constantly triggering __get() re-parsing):

    foreach ($obj->something as $k => $v) {
       // Every assignment here will do __get('something') which parses
       // the array over and over again before each element is modified:
       $obj->something[$k] = 'foo';

    The proper way to solve THAT is to either save a reference to $obj->something as follows:

    $ref = &$obj->something; // Calls __get('something') a single time.
    foreach ($ref as $k => $v) {
       $ref[$k] = 'foo'; // Changes array directly via stored reference.

    Or to loop through the input values as follows:

    foreach ($obj->something as &$v) { // Note the "&" symbol.
       $v = 'foo'; // Changes array value directly via reference.
  3. Anytime you use a reference, there will be NO DATA VALIDATION of the new value you are inputting. It will not be checked again UNTIL the next internal _getProperty() call for that property (ie. by the next __get()) so you may therefore unintentionally insert bad data that doesn't match the class definition map:

    // Saving a reference to internal data and then changing that variable
    // will directly edit the value without letting us validate it:
    $ref = &$obj->some_string; // Make "$ref" into a reference to data.
    $ref = new InvalidObject(); // Writes a bad value directly to memory.
    var_dump($obj->some_string); // Throws error because of bad data.
    // The same is true about array access. In this case, PHP does
    // __get('some_int_array') and finds an array, and then it directly
    // manipulates that array's memory without letting us validate it:
    $obj->some_int_array[] = new InvalidObject();
    $obj->some_int_array[15] = new InvalidObject();
    var_dump($obj->some_int_array); // Throws error because of bad data.
  4. You can always trust that __set() assignments WILL be validated. But a __set() ONLY happens when you assign with the equals operator (=) to a pure property name WITHOUT any array access ([]) operators.

    $obj->some_property = '123'; // Calls __set() and validates new value.
    $obj->an_array[] = '123' // Calls __get() and won't validate changes.

These quirks of "virtual direct property access" are quite easy to deal with when you know about them, since almost all of them are about array access, and the rest are about intentional misuse by binding directly to references. Just avoid making those mistakes.

However, in general, you should REALLY be using the "virtual function" access method instead, which allows you to do great things such as overriding certain class property-functions (ie getSomething()) with your own custom behaviors, so that you can do extra validation, get/set value transformations, and other fantastic things!

It is possible (and recommended) to disable virtual properties via the ALLOW_VIRTUAL_PROPERTIES class constant. The feature is only enabled by default because it helps people easily migrate from legacy projects.


string $propName

The property name.



If virtual properties are disabled.


If the value can't be turned into its assigned class or built-in PHP type, or if the property doesn't exist in either the class property definition or the object instance's data.


mixed —

The value as the correct type, or NULL if it's either a literal NULL in the data or if no value currently existed in the internal data storage at all. Note that this function returns the value by-reference.


__set(string  $propName, mixed  $value) 

__SET is invoked when writing data to inaccessible properties.


string $propName

The property name.

mixed $value

The new value for the property. NULL is always allowed as the new value, regardless of type.



If virtual properties are disabled.


If the new value isn't legal for that property, or if the property doesn't exist in either the class property definition or the object instance's data.


__isset(string  $propName) : boolean

__ISSET is invoked by calling isset() or empty() on inaccessible properties.

NOTE: When the user calls empty(), PHP first calls __isset(), and if that's true it calls __get() and ensures the value is really non-empty.


string $propName

The property name.



If virtual properties are disabled.


boolean —

TRUE if the property exists in the object instance's data and is non-NULL.


__unset(string  $propName) 

__UNSET is invoked by calling unset() on inaccessible properties.


string $propName

The property name.



If virtual properties are disabled.


serialize() : string

Called during serialization of the object.

You are not supposed to call this directly. Instead, use PHP's global serialize() call:

$savedStr = serialize($obj);

This serializer is thin and efficient. It simply recursively packs all nested, internal LazyJsonMapper objects as a single, plain data array, which guarantees the lowest possible serialized data size and the fastest possible unserialization later (since there will only be a SINGLE parent object that needs to wake up, rather than a whole tree).

There is no data conversion/validation of properties (ie to make them match their "class property map"), since serialization is intended to quickly save the internal contents of an instance to let you restore it later, regardless of what was in your internal data property storage.

Also note that only the internal JSON data is serialized. We will not serialize any subclass $properties, since that would be a misuse of how your LazyJsonMapper subclasses are supposed to be designed. If they need custom properties, then you can handle those in _init() as usual.

Lastly, you should know that calling serialize() will not disrupt any internal data of the current object instance that you're serializing. You can therefore continue to work with the object afterwards, or even serialize() the same instance multiple times.



If the internal data array cannot be serialized. But this problem can literally NEVER happen unless YOU have intentionally put totally-invalid, non-serializable sub-objects within your data array AND those objects in turn throw exceptions when trying to serialize(). That's NEVER going to happen with real json_decode() data; so if you constructed our object with real JSON data then you never have to look for serialize() exceptions.


string —

The object's internal data as a string representation. Note that serialization produces strings containing binary data which cannot be handled as text. It is intended for storage in binary format (ie a BLOB database field).


unserialize(string  $serialized = null) 

Called during unserialization of the object.

You are not supposed to call this directly. Instead, use PHP's global unserialize() call:

$restoredObj = unserialize($savedStr);

This unserializer is thin and efficient. It simply unpacks the serialized raw data array and uses it as the new object's data, without validating any of the actual values within the serialized data array. It's intended to get the new object into the same JSON data state as the serialized object, which is why we don't re-analyze the data after unserialization.

Note that the unserialization will call the constructor, with a single argument (your unserialized JSON data array). Everything that the default constructor performs will happen during unserialization, EXACTLY as if you had created a brand new object and given it the data array directly.

You can therefore fully trust your unserialized objects as much as you already trust your manually created ones! And you can even store them somewhere and then unserialize them at any time in the future, during a completely separate PHP process, and even years from now as long as your project still contains the specific (sub)-class that you originally serialized. Have fun!


string $serialized

The string representation of the object.



If the raw, serialized data cannot be unserialized at all.


If there are any problems creating the class that you are unserializing. See the regular constructor for error reasons, but disregard all of its data validation reasons, since unserialized JSON data is not validated (analyzed) when it reaches the constructor. The most likely reasons why this exception would be thrown during unserialize() is that your class property map is invalid and could not be compiled, and thus the object couldn't be recreated, OR that a custom _init() threw.


clearGlobalMagicLookupCache() : integer

Advanced function: Clear the global "magic function lookup cache".

This command is NOT RECOMMENDED unless you know exactly what you are doing and WHY you are doing it. This clears the globally shared cache of magic function-name to property-name translations.

It is always safe to clear that cache, since any future magic function calls (even to existing object instances) will simply re-calculate those translations and put them back in the global cache again.

However, it's not recommended to clear the cache if you're sure that you'll constantly be calling the same functions over and over again. It's obviously faster to keep cached translations for instant lookups!


integer —

How many unique function names were cached before clearing.


clearGlobalPropertyMapCache() : integer

Advanced function: Clear the global "compiled property map cache".

This command is NOT RECOMMENDED unless you know exactly what you are doing and WHY you are doing it. This clears the globally shared cache of compiled property maps, which may be useful if you've created tons of different class objects from lots of different classes, and you no longer have any of those objects in memory and will never create any of them again. In that case, clearing the cache would get rid of the memory consumed by the compiled maps from each class.

All currently existing object instances will continue to work, since they retain their own personal links to their own compiled property maps. Therefore, the memory you free by calling this function may not be the full amount (until ALL of the object instances of all classes are freed). PHP will only be able to free their unused parent classes, and their unused subclasses, and any other unused classes in general. But PHP will retain memory for the SPECIFIC, per-class maps for all living objects.

Calling this function is totally harmless, since all future class instance constructors will simply re-compile their whole map hierarchies again from scratch, and all class maps will be re-built IDENTICALLY the next time since all of their map definitions themselves are immutable class constants and can NEVER be modified at runtime (not even via PHP 7.1's advanced ReflectionClassConstant class).

However, because of the fact that all existing object instances retain private links to their own maps from the previous compilation, it means that you may actually end up using MORE memory after clearing the global cache, IF you still have a LOT of different living object instances AND also begin to create new instances of various classes again (and thus begin re-compiling new, global instances of each of their "cleared" class property maps).

In short: Do NOT call this function unless you know why you are doing it!


integer —

How many unique classes were cached before clearing.



Initializer for custom subclass construction / data updates.

This is where you can perform your custom subclass initialization, since you are unable to override the main constructor.

We automatically run this function at the end of the normal constructor, as well as every time that you manually use assignObjectData() to replace the object's data. (When new data is assigned, you should treat yourself as a new object, which is why _init() will run again.)

WARNING: Please RESIST the urge to touch ANY of the internal JSON data during this initialization. All data will always be automatically validated during actual retrieval and setting, so you can always trust that the final types WILL match your class property map definitions.

Remember that any extra work you do in _init() will run EVERY time an instance of your object is created, even when those objects live within a main object. So if your function is heavy, it will slow down operation of the class; and your parsing of the properties would be counter-productive against the goal of "lazy parsing" of JSON data on a when-accessed basis!

Instead, it's preferable to just override specific property getter and setter functions, to make your class return different default values if a certain internal data field is missing an expected value. But in general, your ultimate USER CODE should be responsible for most of THAT checking, by simply looking for NULL (denoting a missing value in the JSON data container), and then deciding what to do with that in your final project.

Lastly, there are a few rules that MUST be followed by your _init():

  1. As explained above, but worth repeating again: Your LazyJsonMapper classes are supposed to be LIGHT-weight "JSON data containers". So please DO NOT treat this as a "standard class constructor". The more work you do in _init(), the slower your object creation is. And since your object is a JSON container which is automatically created from data, you can expect LOTS of instances of your class to be created during normal runtime! That's also why your _init() function does not get any parameters! That is to discourage misuse as a normal class.

    Also remember that you may not even need _init(), since you can simply give your properties default values instead of using _init(), such as by writing public $myproperty = true;. All instances of that object would then start with that value set to TRUE by default.

  2. You can ONLY throw LazyUserException. All other exceptions will be blocked and turned into a generic LazyUserException. This is done to ensure that your custom init function cannot break the contract that the LazyJsonMapper constructor guarantees in its listed exceptions.

    (That's also the reason why all built-in functions except _init() are marked final: So that subclasses cannot break the LazyJsonMapper API/interface contract. If something IS a LazyJsonMapper, it MUST behave as a LazyJsonMapper, and the final functions guarantee that!)

  3. If your class extends from LazyJsonMapper, then there's no need to call parent::_init() (since our core _init() does nothing). But if you extend from ANY OTHER CLASS, you MUST call your parent's init BEFORE doing any work, just to guarantee that your WHOLE parent-class hierarchy is fully initialized first.

  4. Understand and accept the fact that your personal class properties will NOT be serialized if you serialize an object. Only the JSON data array will be kept. The _init() function will be called again when you unserialize the object data, as if your object had just been created for the first time. This is done to save space and to discourage misuse of your LazyJsonMapper containers.

    Remember that your classes are supposed to be lightweight JSON data containers, which give you a strongly typed, automatic, object-oriented interface to your data. Classes "with advanced constructors and tons of properties" are NOT suitable as JSON containers and belong ELSEWHERE in the rest of your project!



If there is any fatal error which prevents initialization. This stops object construction if this is the initial construction. However, it doesn't affect data-assignment if you throw during a later assignObjectData() call.


_hasPropertyDefinition(string  $propName) : boolean

Check if a property definition exists.

These are properties defined in the JSON property map for the class.

NOTE: This is the STRICTEST function, which checks if a property is defined in the class. It rejects properties that only exist in the data.


string $propName

The property name.




_hasPropertyDefinitionOrData(string  $propName) : boolean

Check if a property definition or an object instance data value exists.

These are properties that are either defined in the JSON property map for the class OR that exist in the object instance's data.

NOTE: This is the RECOMMENDED function for checking if a property is valid, since properties ARE VALID if they exist in the class definition OR in the object instance's data.


string $propName

The property name.




_hasPropertyData(string  $propName) : boolean

Check if an object instance data value exists.

These are properties that currently exist in the object instance's data.

NOTE: This function ISN'T RECOMMENDED unless you know what you're doing. Because any property that exists in the class definition is valid as well, and can be retrieved even if it isn't in the current object data. So _hasPropertyDefinitionOrData() is recommended instead, if your goal is to figure out if a property name is valid. Alternatively, you can use _hasPropertyDefinition() if you want to be even stricter by requiring that the property is defined in the class map.


string $propName

The property name.




_getPropertyDefinition(string  $propName, boolean  $allowUndefined = true) : \LazyJsonMapper\Property\PropertyDefinition

Get the property definition for an object data property.

If the property doesn't exist in the class definition but exists in the object instance's data, then it will be treated as an undefined & untyped property. This ensures that the user can access undefined properties too!

However, you should always strive to keep your classes up-to-date so that all properties are defined, otherwise they'll be totally inaccessible (instead of returning NULL) anytime they're missing from the JSON data.


string $propName

The property name.

boolean $allowUndefined

Whether to allow default definitions when the property exists in the data but not in our actual class property map.



If property isn't defined in the class map and also doesn't exist in the object instance's data. Note that if undefined definitions are disallowed, we will ONLY check in the class definition map.



An object describing the property.


_getProperty(string  $propName, boolean  $createMissingValue = false) : mixed

Get the value of an object data property.

This function automatically reads the object instance's data and converts the value to the correct type on-the-fly. If that part of the data-array is an object, it will be lazy-created the first time it's requested.

NOTE: If the object instance's internal data doesn't contain a value, but it's listed in the class property definition, then it will be treated as missing and NULL will automatically be returned instead. However, if it's missing from the class definition AND the object instance's data, then it's treated as an invalid property and an exception is thrown.

Because of the fact that the default return value for internally-missing but "class-valid" properties is NULL, it means that you cannot discern whether the NULL came from actual JSON data or from the default return value. However, if that distinction matters to you, you should simply call _hasPropertyData() before retrieving the value.

IMPORTANT: This function performs return-by-reference, which was done in order to allow certain ADVANCED programming tricks by the caller. If you save our return value by reference, you'll then have a direct link to the internal data for that property and can write directly to it (including writing invalid data if you want to, since we cannot verify what you do with your reference). However, you A) don't have to worry about invalid data, because it will all get validated at the next _getProperty() call again, and B) you have to explicitly bind the returned value by reference to actually risk affecting the internal data, as explained below.

Method 1 (recommended for almost 100% of all usages, safest):

 $val = $this->_getProperty('foo'); // Copy-on-write assignment to $val.
 $val = 'bar'; // Does NOT modify the internal data "foo" property.

Method 2 (dangerous, and this example even contains an intentional bug):

 $val = &$this->_getProperty('foo'); // Reference assignment to $val.
 $val = 'bar'; // Direct link, thus modifies the internal "foo" property.

SERIOUS WARNING: If you use Method 2, do NOT use the code above. It was just explained that way to demonstrate a SERIOUS MISTAKE. If you assign by reference, you obviously intend to link directly to internal data. But the code above fails if no internal data for that property exists yet. In that case, the code above will write to a temporary NULL variable which is not linked at all to the object. Instead, you MUST ALWAYS use $createMissingValue = true if you want TRUSTABLE data references.

Method 2 (the CORRECT way of writing it):

 $val = &$this->_getProperty('foo', true);
 $val = 'bar';

That FIXED code will create the property and put NULL in it if it's missing from the internal data, and then returns the reference to the created internal data entry. It's the ONLY way to ensure REAL references.

Note that there is ZERO PERFORMANCE BENEFIT of assigning our return-value by reference. ONLY use references if you have an ADVANCED reason for it! Internally, PHP treats both assignment types identically until the moment you try to write to/modify the contents of the variable. So if you are only reading, which is most of the time, then there's no reason to use a reference. And never forget that modifying via direct reference lets you write invalid data (which won't be detected until a _getProperty() call attempts to read that bad data again), as mentioned earlier.

There is one final warning: If YOU have a "return-by-reference" function, then you will AUTOMATICALLY return a direct link to the inner data if you use us directly in your return statement. Here's an example of that:

 public function &myFunction() { // <-- Note the "&" return-by-ref here!
     // returns reference to real internal data OR temp var (badly coded)
     return $this->_getProperty('foo'); // <-- VERY DANGEROUS BUG!

     // returns reference to real internal data (correctly coded)
     return $this->_getProperty('foo', true); // <-- CORRECT!

     // you can also intentionally break the link to the internal data,
     // by putting it in a copy-on-write variable and returning THAT:
     $copyOnWrite = $this->_getProperty('foo'); // copy-on-write (no ref)
     return $copyOnWrite; // ref to $copyOnWrite but not to real internal


string $propName

The property name.

boolean $createMissingValue

If TRUE then we will create missing internal object data entries (for class-defined properties) and store a NULL in them. This will "pollute" the internal data with default NULLs for every missing property that you attempt to retrieve, but it's totally NECESSARY if you intend to use the return-value by-reference, since we MUST store the value internally when you want the returned reference to link to our actual object's internal data storage!



If the value can't be turned into its assigned class or built-in PHP type, or if the property doesn't exist in either the class property definition or the object instance's data.


mixed —

The value as the correct type, or NULL if it's either a literal NULL in the data or if no value currently existed in the internal data storage at all. Note that this function returns the value by-reference.


_isProperty(string  $propName) : boolean

Check if an object data property exists and its value evaluates to TRUE.


string $propName

The property name.




_setProperty(string  $propName, mixed  $value) : $this

Set an object data property to a new value.


string $propName

The property name.

mixed $value

The new value for the property. NULL is always allowed as the new value, regardless of type.



If the new value isn't legal for that property, or if the property doesn't exist in either the class property definition or the object instance's data.


$this —

The current object instance, to allow chaining setters.


_unsetProperty(string  $propName) : $this

Erase the internal value of an object data property.

This is useful for things like erasing certain parts of the JSON data tree before you're going to output the object as JSON. You can still continue to access and modify an "erased" property after unsetting it, but ONLY if that property is defined in your class property map.

The current value is simply removed from the internal object data array, as if the object had been constructed without that part of the array.

Also note that we act like the real unset() function, meaning that we don't care whether that property key exists in the object instance's data array. We'll simply unset it if it exists. Or otherwise gracefully do absolutely nothing.


string $propName

The property name.


$this —

The current object instance, to allow chaining unsetters.